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Carti de Vizita Inedite

Pasiunea pentru automobile si dorinta de a crea ceva inedit au dus la design-ul special al acestor carti de vizita. Taiate in forma oricarei marci si oricarui model de automobil, aceste carti de vizita pot reprezenta imaginea perfecta a unei companii ce activeaza in domeniul auto. Va invitam sa vizualizati catalogul nostru in format PDF.

Modelele afisate in catalog sunt doar cu caracter informativ. Conform cerintelor clientilor, se pot realiza si alte modele de autoturisme cu alte culori si alte font-uri.

Mentionam ca acest model de carti de vizita in forma de automobil nu a mai fost utilizat de alte persoane, a fost creat de noi, Theia – Ankh System SRL. Marca inregistrata.

Va asteptam cu o solicitare de oferta pe pagina noastra de Contact.

The passion for cars and the desire to create something unique led to the special design of these business cards. Cut in the shape of any car brand and model, these business cards can represent the perfect image of a company active in the automotive field. We invite you to view our catalog in PDF format.

The models shown in the catalog are for informational purposes only. According to customer requirements, other car models with other colors and other fonts can be made.

You should know that this model of business cards in the shape of a car has not been used by other people, it was created by us, Theia – Ankh System SRL. Registered trademark.

You can request an offer on our Contact page.

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