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Identitate vizuala / Brand Style Guides

Brand identity

Identitatea vizuala a unei companii este cheia diferentierii fata de concurenta. Cu o identitate vizuala de impact si produse de calitate sau servicii impecabile, o companie poate ajunge in top in foarte scurt timp.

In cadrul acestui capitol, comunicarea este foarte importanta. Noi primim informatiile despre brand si le transformam prin creativitate si stil intr-o imagine inedita a companiei.

O strategie de brand incepe cu:

  • Valoarea brand-ului: Ce ofera in plus fata de concurenta.
  • Valorile de baza ale brand-ului: Care sunt acestea.
  • Vocea brand-ului: Care este tipul de exprimare al companiei in relatia cu potentialii clienti.

Identiatea brand-ului consta in:

  • Denumire: Un nume usor de tinut minte, dar care sa aiba impact asupra audientei.
  • Slogan: Un slogan bine gandit ramane intiparit in memoria unui posibil client.
  • Logo: Acesta este, practic, reprezentarea emblematica a companiei. Un logo trebuie sa fie unic, simplu de retinut si armonizat cu identitatea brand-ului.
  • Paleta de culori: Alegerea culorilor care se potrivesc cu personalitatea brand-ului.
  • Fonturi: Personalizarea tipografiei cu un set de fonturi specifice care sa ofere o imagine unica brand-ului.

Nu ezitati sa ne contactati pentru mai multe informatii.

The visual identity of a company is the key that makes the difference from the competition. With an impactful visual identity and quality products or impeccable services, a company can reach the top in a very short time.

In this chapter, communication is very important. We receive information about the brand and transform it through creativity and style into a unique company image.

A brand strategy starts with:

  • Brand value: What it offers in addition to the competition.
  • The core values of the brand: What are they?
  • The voice of the brand: What is the type of expression of the company in relation to potential clients?

The brand identity consists of:

  • Name: A name that is easy to remember, but that has an impact on the audience.
  • Slogan: A well-thought-out slogan remains imprinted in the memory of a potential client.
  • Logo: This is basically the symbolic representation of the company. A logo must be unique, easy to remember, and harmonized with the brand identity.
  • Color palette: Choosing colors that match the brand’s personality.
  • Fonts: Customizing the typography with a set of specific fonts to give a unique image to the brand.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

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