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Idei si Concepte Scrise / Written Ideas and Concepts

Freelancing-ul este un subiect care a devenit foarte cunoscut in ultima perioada. Din ce in ce mai multe persoane doresc sa isi gaseasca diferite job-uri pe care le pot lucra profitand de flexibilitate maxima si de puterea de a alege. Posibilitatea de a refuza un proiect nepotrivit este un lucru foarte important de retinut in momentul in care o persoana decide sa devina freelancer. Freelancing-ul este o oportunitate si pentru industrie deoarece un freelancer nu isi va alege niciodata un domeniu de lucru la care nu se pricepe, ci se va axa exact pe ce stie cel mai bine sa faca. Acest lucru este un mare plus pentru viitoarele oportunitati de munca si pentru el sau ea, cat si pentru clienti.

Pe partea de cuvinte, Words Whisperer este un proiect de freelancing axat pe creativitate, imaginatie si research, in funtie de tipul de text solicitat. Oricine poate ajunge intr-un moment de impas in care trebuie sa compuna un text, dar nu stie de unde sa inceapa. Aici intervenim noi. Oferim consultanta in legatura cu tema prezentata si textul propriu-zis dupa ce am aflat despre ce este vorba si am cazut de comun acord. Suna atat de simplu sa spui „ce poate fi asa de greu sa scrii o compunere sau o poveste?”, dar daca in momentul in care te asezi la birou si iei pixul in mana te blochezi la primul cuvand, inseamna ca de fapt este mai greu decat pare.

Experienta spune totul si asta va putem demonstra fara nici un fel de problema. Avem experienta necesara si o facultate de profil in spate (Jurnalism) pentru a putea oferi acest tip de servicii, asa ca nu ezitati sa ne contactati pentru o a doua parere daca va aflati in impas.

Putem crea orice tip de continut, de la blog articles pana la listicles, how-to articles, ebooks, landing pages, product reviews, essays, guides, infographics, si multe altele pentru domenii ca industria auto, industria medicala, imobiliaree, vanatoare, marketing, fitness, animale de companie, constructii, IT, social media, graphic si web design, jocuri PC, calatorii, finante si crypto coins.

Aici pot fi vizualizate cateva dintre articolele scrise de-a lungul timpului:

Nu ezitati sa ne contactati pentru mai multe informatii.

Freelancing has become a very well-known subject recently. More and more people want to find different jobs with maximum flexibility and most of all they want to have the power to choose the type of job they will work on. The possibility to refuse an unwanted project is a very important thing to consider when a person wants to become a freelancer. Freelancing is also an opportunity for the industry because a freelancer will never choose to work in a domain that he or she does not know or handle. They will focus on what they do best and this is a really big thing for their future job opportunities and their clients, too.

On the writing side, Words Whisperer is a freelancing project based on creativity, imagination, and research, depending on the requested type of text. Anyone can get stuck while composing a text, in that precise moment when he or she is not able to write the first sentence. Here is the point when we enter the stage. We can offer consultancy related to the presented subject and a final text after we found out what this is all about and agreed to the terms and conditions. It sounds so simple to say „Is it that hard to write a composition or a story?”, but if you get stuck right at the moment when you take a seat at your desk and get the pen in your hand, then this can only mean that it is harder than it seems.

The experience is everything and we can prove this without any problem. We have the right skills and knowledge, along with the Journalism Bachelor’s degree, to offer these kinds of services, so you should not hesitate to contact us for a second opinion if you have got a dilemma.

We are experienced in creating all kinds of content from blog articles to listicles, how-to articles, ebooks, landing pages, product reviews, essays, guides, infographics, and more for niches like the automotive industry, the medical industry, real estate, hunting, marketing, fitness, pets, construction, IT, social media platforms, graphic and web design, PC games, traveling, finance, and crypto coins.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

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