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Words Whisperer


Acest proiect a fost creat cu scopul de a oferi multiple noi posibilitati pentru persoanele care sunt in cautarea „textelor potrivite sau perfecte”.

Realizarea fiecarui tip de lucrare se bazeaza pe cerintele si recomandarile clientilor. La acestea, noi putem adauga idei, concepte si viziuni noi asupra subiectelor, pentru care solicitam aprobare inainte de a le implementa.

Etapele proiectului:

  • schita initiala
  • realizare text
  • corectura finala
  • predarea lucrarii finalizate
  • aprobare finala

Preturile sunt calculate in functie de durata proiectului, nivelul de complexitate si tipul lucrarii.

Durata realizarii si finalizarii proiectelor poate varia, in functie de tipul de text solicitat, de la 2 pana la 10 zile sau chiar 1 luna daca este vorba de un proiect de lunga durata.

Oferta care include pretul si termenul de finalizare va fi trimisa pe e-mail pentru confirmare comanda.


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Nu ezitati sa ne contactati pentru mai multe informatii.

This project was created with the aim of providing multiple new possibilities for people who are looking for „suitable or perfect texts”.

Each project is based on the requirements and recommendations of the clients. To these, we can add new ideas, concepts and visions on the subjects, for which we request approval before implementing them.

The stages of each project are:

  • The initial sketch
  • Writing the content
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Handing over the completed project
  • Final approval

The prices are calculated according to the duration of the project, the level of complexity and the type of work.

The time needed to complete each project can vary, depending on the type of text requested, from 2 to 10 days or even 1 month if it is a long-term project.

The offer that includes the price and the deadline will be sent by e-mail for order confirmation.


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Don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.

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